KAG DANDRUFF CARE SHAMPOO (Effectively cleanses, conditions & soothes the hair)

Availability: In stock
Categories: Hair Care
Business Volume(BV) : 60

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Effectively cleanses, conditions & soothes the hair. Deeply nourishes the hair & scalp to prevent hair fall. It is mild yet effective in preventing scaling & flacking & increasing hair growth. Furthermore, an addition of mehndi adds natural color beside its multifold hair benefits.

Composition : Each 10 ml contains

Terminalia Chebula                : 80 mg

Lawsonia Inermis                   : 80 mg

Rubia Cordifolia                     : 190 mg

Aloe Vera Tourn                     : 100 mg

Terminalia Belerica                 : 50 mg

Embillica Officinalis                 : 50 mg

Eclipta Alba                            : 100 mg

Centella Asiatica                     : 80 mg

Azadirachta Indica                  : 60 mg

Sapindus Trifoliaus                 : 60 mg

Acacia Concinna                     : 60 mg

Shampoo Base                      : Q.s

Indication: Useful in hair fall, dandruff problem, dwindling hair growth. Profoundly check dandruff, flaking, scaling, itching of scalp. Add lustre, volume & nutrition to fizzi or lifeless hair.

Usage: Take quantity of shampoo is as per the length of hair. Rub on on the scalp with water to make foam and wash after some time.